Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
A utopian idea?
With this treatise on the ‘United States of Europe,’ in 1992 Alfred (Freddy) Heineken advocated a new, decentralized Europe. The…
150 years of great consistent taste
While Amstel beer has been adapted to local palates all over the world, Heineken’s strength is that it tastes exactly the same…
The longest of all
A cheerful lady here presents a wicker basket full of rustic beer bottles from De Sleutel Brewery. The billboard dates from just…
Bull’s eye in Chinese
The characteristic white and red Amstel logo known as the ‘bull’s eye’ is printed with Chinese characters on this egg-shaped…
Art in the clinch
Beer and the visual arts is a somewhat lesser-known combination than beer and sports. Nevertheless, over the years Heineken…
It’s raining awards
Check it out! The label of a bottle of Heineken still features four historic dates from the 19th century. In 1875, 1883 and…