Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
Tough, but fair
Today safety takes precedence in Western societies and has become an industry in its own right. Literally every risk has to be…
A spirited beer truck
Well, who would have thought it? Electric trucks were already in service in Amsterdam a hundred years ago! They transported…
Looking to expand
Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Prince of the Netherlands, kicked off the operation of a complete brewery with this tiny beer…
Timeless design
It remains an iconic image: a ‘vase’ model beer glass with arms and legs dashing across a Heineken beer coaster with a tray on…
Change of Style
Freddy Heineken had one child with his wife Lucille Cummins, Charlene. For a long time her business involvement in the brewery…
It’s raining awards
Check it out! The label of a bottle of Heineken still features four historic dates from the 19th century. In 1875, 1883 and…