Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
Art in the clinch
Beer and the visual arts is a somewhat lesser-known combination than beer and sports. Nevertheless, over the years Heineken…
Check this out!
This strange looking object doesn't reveal its function easily: it most closely resembles a kitchen utensil, a cross between two…
Tough, but fair
Today safety takes precedence in Western societies and has become an industry in its own right. Literally every risk has to be…
To the Far East
In this poster from 1939, brewer’s assistant Kobus proudly presents a beer bottle from the Heineken Brewery in Surabaya on Java,…
Back in the home port
Delft-born artist Piet Cottaar junior (1908-1984) worked in Rotterdam almost his entire life, and for the same employer at that.…
Dynamic brand design
Heineken introduced its first aluminium bottle – Paco – in 2002. It was created by the French designer Ito Morabito (1977, known…