Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
Amstel gentlemen’s chairs
This is a chair for a man of distinction, that much is clear. It perfectly suited the stately atmosphere of De Amstel Brewery,…
The longest of all
A cheerful lady here presents a wicker basket full of rustic beer bottles from De Sleutel Brewery. The billboard dates from just…
A masterful portrait
‘You’re not pulling my leg, are you?’ Freddy Heineken seems to be asking with that one permanently raised eyebrow. His…
Church key opener
The long line of beer openers from the Heineken Collection nicely traces how beer packaging has changed over the years. This…
Art in the clinch
Beer and the visual arts is a somewhat lesser-known combination than beer and sports. Nevertheless, over the years Heineken…
A golden moment
It was literally a golden moment for Gerard Heineken when he received this ‘medaille d’or’ at the 1875 international exhibition…