Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
The world of Bas Kosters
Heineken and fashion? Many people will raise a quizzical eyebrow thinking about the playful clothing and accessories found in…
The blessing of the beer
The Heineken Brewery in Den Bosch, which opened in 1958 , is located in the middle of the Catholic province of Noord Brabant.…
Pin-up or horse-drawn cart?
Advertising psychology is an interesting phenomenon. As early as the 1950s, the heyday of the pin-up, Heineken employees were…
Self-made brewer
In the 19th century, the Amsterdam brewery De Hooiberg (Haystack) supplied top-fermented beer, such as the well-known…
Tough, but fair
Today safety takes precedence in Western societies and has become an industry in its own right. Literally every risk has to be…
Art in the clinch
Beer and the visual arts is a somewhat lesser-known combination than beer and sports. Nevertheless, over the years Heineken…