Our Annual Report 2023 is available online. Click on the image to see what we have been up to in 2023.
Stars of the collection
To the Far East
In this poster from 1939, brewer’s assistant Kobus proudly presents a beer bottle from the Heineken Brewery in Surabaya on Java,…
Dynamic brand design
Heineken introduced its first aluminium bottle – Paco – in 2002. It was created by the French designer Ito Morabito (1977, known…
A touch of Paris in Aalsmeer
Who doesn’t know them: the azure water siphons so popular as interior decoration? They evoke the nostalgic atmosphere of…
A young entrepreneur
‘Dear Mummy!,’ 22-year-old Gerard Heineken began this letter in curly handwriting to his mother. He had just spoken to two…
The caring son
By the time this photograph was taken, Henry Pierre Heineken had already been president of Heineken’s Beer Brewery Company (HBM)…
Amstel gentlemen’s chairs
This is a chair for a man of distinction, that much is clear. It perfectly suited the stately atmosphere of De Amstel Brewery,…