title Overview
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Harold van den Broek

Chief Financial Officer | 2021 - present
  • 2021 - present Chief Financial Officer
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Karel Vuursteen

CEO & Chairman of the Board | 1993 - 2002
  • 1991 - 1993 Executive Board member
  • 1993 - 2002 CEO & Chairman of the Executive Board

In this episode, our CFO, Harold van den Broek, meets former Chairman of the Executive Board, Mr Karel Vuursteen. Best known for the successful expansion of HEINEKEN in Europe, Mr Vuursteen laid the groundwork for the company's future global expansion. He also played a pivotal role in transforming the company culture to a more informal one, emphasising the fun aspect of working for a beer company.

Offering a unique glimpse into the history and growth of The HEINEKEN Company during the last decade of the millennium, Vuursteen shares cherished memories, captivating anecdotes, and his characteristic wit with viewers. This, combined with the shared experience of Van den Broek and Vuursteen both joining the Executive Board as 'outsiders', makes for an especially compelling watch.

Since recording this episode in October '24, Mr Vuursteen sadly passed away on 30 December 2024. 


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