title Overview

Jacco van der Linden

President APAC, 2020 - present



'If there's something I would like to leave behind, it's really that shift of getting regional talents into management team positions.'


  • 2001 - 2003 Sr. Area Export Manager
  • 2003 - 2006 Marketing Manager Heineken®
  • 2006 - 2008 Global Brand Director Amstel
  • 2008 - 2012 Marketing Director Nigerian Breweries
  • 2012 - 2015 Marketing Director Heineken UK
  • 2015 - 2019 Managing Director China, Hong Kong, Macau
  • 2019 - 2020 Managing Director Heineken Vietnam
  • 2020 - present President Heineken Asia Pasific

Maarten Rijkens

Director Asia Pacific


'When young people ask me, what do you think about international work, I absolutely tell them that they should be doing it. I think it's the most worthwhile thing you can do.'

  • 1979 - 1980 Export Manager USA
  • 1980 - 1983 Managing Director Heineken USA
  • 1983 - 1987 President Amstel Brewery Canada
  • 1988 - 1991 General Manager Asia Pacific Breweries
  • 1991 - 2002 Director Asia Pacific
  • 2002 - 2004 Director Central & Eastern Europe

Regional President Asia Pacific, Jacco van der Linden, meets retired former Director Asia Pacific, Maarten Rijkens, to discuss the incredible journey of HEINEKEN in APAC. They reflect on the growth and transformation over the decades and talk about the strategic expansions across the region, innovations in brewing, and the impactful BOOST talent program. From humble beginnings in 1933 to becoming a significant regional player. 


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